紙碗類 Paper Bowl Containers


註有 貨品可代客戶印刷圖樣於紙碗/紙盒上(附送代存倉)
Custom printing service is available for items marked with (free storage and on-demand delivery) .

按此顯示 一覧模式 Click here for Catalog View

更新於 : 15/09/2024

Specifications are for reference only

亦可代客戶印制商標及圖案於各式紙碗/紙盒上 (註有 之貨品)

尚有各式餐飲用品型號多種,請即賜電意華熱線(852)2797 9938 或預約意華營業代表訂購。
Other sizes are available, please contact our sales representatives.

 本頁面直接連結 Page Direct URL https://www.yeewah.com/index1.php?cat=pl (按圖放大)

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